ocean view college application day

Ocean View College Application Day

Interview with Dr. Courtney Robinson about the annual College Application Day at Ocean View High School. All seniors apply, during the school day, to multiple postsecondary institutions based on each student’s interests and aspirations and have experts onsite all day to support them through the process.

are all biases bad report cover

Are All Biases Bad? Collaborative Grounded Theory in Developmental Evaluation of Education Policy

This study argues that varied perspectives should be a critical component in the methodological and analytical choices of education research, especially when the sought after outcome is deeper understanding of the impact, both positive and negative, of an education program or policy. In this study, rather than using one researcher to confirm the reliability of the other, the study explores the outcome of drawing on the positional reflexivity of two researchers, each with a distinct perspective, as a potential strength to cogenerate themes and theory in the evaluation of complex policy or programs.

retention in the trenches

Retention and Faculty in the Trenches

Repackaged conversations I thoroughly enjoyed Rob Jenkins article, Retention in the Trenches (Chronicle of Higher Education, May 18, 2015) where he reminds us that the current focus on college completion is really just a repackaging of an age old concern: retention. Recently states have begun to factor retention (completion rates) into funding formulas for community…