quality elementary science teaching year 4 annual report cover

Evaluation of the Quality Elementary Science Teaching (QuEST) Discovery Research K–12 Grant: Annual Report for Year 4

The overarching goals of this four-year National Science Foundation–funded Discovery Research K–12 project include the following: 1) Implement a high-quality situated PD model for K–6 teachers in science; 2) conduct a comprehensive and rigorous program of research to study the impacts of this model on teacher and student learning; and 3) disseminate project outcomes to a variety of stakeholders to produce broader impacts.

Meandering Toward Graduation: Transcript Outcomes of High School Graduates (Education Trust)

Meandering Toward Graduation: Transcript Outcomes of High School Graduates (Education Trust)

Earlier this month, the Education Trust published a new report, Meandering Toward Graduation: Transcript Outcomes of High School Graduates (available at https://edtrust.org/resource/meandering-toward-graduation/ or below). Wow, I love that descriptive verb meandering! But it certainly causes me to pause and seriously consider the implications of meandering in the lives and futures of our students. What interested…

We Love Math

Making It All Add Up: National Math Summit

  This year’s Mathematics Summit was held as a two-day preconference event at the NADE Annual Conference in Anaheim in March. Once again the Summit brought together those in the “front lines” of developmental mathematics education and first credit math courses to discuss different approaches for implementing, adjusting, or redesigning mathematics courses with the methods…

Proficiency-Based Teaching and Learning: Supporting Teachers and Helping Students Show What They Know

Proficiency-based teaching and learning (PBTL) is a systems-level approach to teaching, assessing, and grading students, with the goal of allowing students to demonstrate proficiency with an explicit set of standards. The knowledge and skills required to demonstrate proficiency in a content area are developed and mapped out by teachers, marking a clear path through the…