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Evaluation of the Quality Elementary Science Teaching (QuEST) Discovery Research K–12 Grant: Annual Report for Year 4

The overarching goals of this four-year National Science Foundation–funded Discovery Research K–12 project include the following: 1) Implement a high-quality situated PD model for K–6 teachers in science; 2) conduct a comprehensive and rigorous program of research to study the impacts of this model on teacher and student learning; and 3) disseminate project outcomes to a variety of stakeholders to produce broader impacts.

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Lane ESD Credit Equivalency Pilot Project: Summary Report

The Educational Policy Improvement Center (EPIC) conducted an implementation study for a credit equivalency pilot project during the 2016–17 school year. Teacher teams from five Oregon high schools participated in the project, developing the frameworks for and providing Career Technical Education (CTE) classes within their schools that offer students the opportunity to earn content area credit. The purpose of the study was to begin to identify the policies and practices that need to exist to ensure integrity when enacting a course equivalency process, leading to positive college and career readiness outcomes for students.

Hands-On Science Teaching in Missouri

Program evaluation is always interesting, some days more than others! Right now I’m in Columbia, MO, for the National Science Foundation-funded Quality Elementary Science Teaching (QuEST) Summer Institute 2015. My colleague, Tracy Bousselot, and I are in our second year in attendance at this hands-on gathering of Missouri elementary teachers working to enhance their understanding…

South Carolina Accountability: Review and Revision

EPIC engaged in a three-part research initiative, conducting an environmental scan to understand the current policy context of South Carolina and to identify “peer state” accountability models, designing and facilitating a series of regional meetings to elicit the values and priorities of stakeholders in the education system, and constructing an analytical framework based on findings from those stakeholder meetings.

Journey Toward Deeper Learning: An Evaluation of the Roadtrip Nation Experience in San Jose PLUS Academies

This report describes the background, methods, and findings of a “deep dive” evaluation of Roadtrip Nation’s (RTN) high school program, the Roadtrip Nation Experience. The primary focus of the evaluation was RTN pilot implementation in three San Jose Unified School District PLUS Academies during the 2011–2012 academic year, supported by analysis of program curriculum and instructional materials.