A Path to Alignment: Connecting K-12 and Higher Education via the Common Core and the Degree Qualifications Profile

The white paper begins with a description of the CCSS and an assessment of their significance. A following analysis then explains why the CCSS, while necessary, are not sufficient as a platform for college success. A corresponding explanation of the DQP clarifies the prompts that led to its development, describes its structure, and offers some guidance for interpreting the outcomes that it defines.

Crosswalk Analysis Report Cover

Crosswalk Analysis of Deeper Learning Skills

The Educational Policy Improvement Center (EPIC) conducted an analysis of deeper learning skills on behalf of the Hewlett Foundation to create a crosswalk between the Deeper Learning Skills (DLS) and the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). The purpose of the crosswalk was to understand the ways in which strategies for deeper learning relate to the CCSS.

A Complete Definition of College and Career Readiness

A student who is ready for college and career can qualify for and succeed in entry-level, credit- bearing college courses leading to a baccalaureate or certificate, or career pathway-oriented training programs, without the need for remedial or developmental coursework. However, not every student requires the same proficiency in all areas. A student’s interests and post-high school aspirations influence the precise knowledge and skill profiles necessary to be ready for postsecondary studies.

Creating College Readiness – School Profiles of 38 Schools That Know How

2009_Creating_College_Readiness_38Schools.pdf (3425 downloads) In this 2009 report, EPIC profiles 38 U.S. high schools with proven success in preparing students for life after graduation. The selected schools represent a diverse cross-section of the U.S. education system. This document profiles each school and contains comprehensive and tangible examples of successful student preparation. This research was the basis…