AERA 2017 Horizontal Logo

Ross Anderson Receives Award at AERA Conference

At the 2017 annual AERA conference in San Antonio, TX, Division C – Learning and Instruction awarded EPIC’s Senior Lead Researcher Ross Anderson and his coauthor, Matthew Graham, the Outstanding Poster Award for their study on how adaptive and maladaptive aspects of motivation and school engagement change during the transition to high school.

Michael, Christine, Ross, Asilia, and Paul at AERA.

EPIC Well Represented at AERA

Left to right are Michael, Christine, Ross, Asilia, and Paul at AERA. EPIC staff members Ross Anderson, Paul Beach, Asilia Franklin, Christine Pitts, and Michael Thier presented at the American Educational Research Association’s (AERA) 2016 Annual Meeting in Washington, DC. They participated in and attended roundtable, poster, and panel presentations for various areas of educational…