More than 30 AP courses. Hundreds of thousands of AP teachers. Millions of students.
Quality assurance from the team at Inflexion.
Every year, Inflexion (formerly EPIC) evaluates and authorizes all AP courses for the College Board. From Des Moines to Dubai, schools that indicate “AP” on student transcripts must receive permission from the College Board for each course syllabus via Inflexion’s AP Course Audit. In its 10th Annual AP Report to the Nation, the College Board says, “The collaboration between college faculty and AP teachers lies at the core of AP, ensuring rigor, relevance, and fairness. These groups work together to develop, deliver, and evaluate AP.” Inflexion is the QC behind AP courses. All authorized AP courses are listed in the AP Course Ledger.
AP Course Audit Technology and Process
Inflexion designed and manages the methodology and online system through which teachers submit their syllabi. Inflexion trains and calibrates reviewers (college faculty) to evaluate those syllabi. Since 2007, Inflexion reviewers have rated teacher syllabi for more than 1.25 million authorized AP courses across 42 subjects in 22,000 schools worldwide.
Inflexion provides phone support through a toll free hotline to bridge the divide between school administrators overseeing the program and teachers needing assistance with the submission process.
Inflexion facilitates the convergent-consensus process used by the expert AP subject teams to develop the scoring rubrics used to evaluate AP course syllabi. Inflexion employs this same process to develop the syllabus development guides and sample syllabi. These and other resources provide teachers and administrators with clear guidelines on the AP course standards. This is an ongoing process as AP redesigns courses and exams.
The Future
While Inflexion continues to certify courses and develop scoring rubrics and teacher resources for redesigned AP courses, it is collaborating with the College Board, teachers, and college faculty to develop scoring guides and deploy an audit for AP’s new interdisciplinary courses, Capstone Seminar and Research.
AP Bridges the Divide between High School and College
“Even more compelling than the rigorous process of developing AP is the effect of AP on the lives of the students who pursue AP programs. Studies—and the testimony of students—demonstrate the vital role Advanced Placement plays in students developing a clear understanding of college-level academic expectations and a lasting passion for and engagement with academic disciplines in which they often eventually major.” From a Statement from College Faculty Involved in AP.