The only terracotta warrior found in one piece.

The Intact Warrior

My name is Greg Hopper-Moore, and I am a project administrator at EPIC. Recently, I had the good fortune to be able to visit Xi’an, China, for two weeks. Xi’an (pronounced “Shee-awn”) is home to over 8.5 million people, and 17 universities have multiple campuses in the metropolitan area. The city itself dates back over…

Michael, Christine, Ross, Asilia, and Paul at AERA.

EPIC Well Represented at AERA

Left to right are Michael, Christine, Ross, Asilia, and Paul at AERA. EPIC staff members Ross Anderson, Paul Beach, Asilia Franklin, Christine Pitts, and Michael Thier presented at the American Educational Research Association’s (AERA) 2016 Annual Meeting in Washington, DC. They participated in and attended roundtable, poster, and panel presentations for various areas of educational…

Meandering Toward Graduation: Transcript Outcomes of High School Graduates (Education Trust)

Meandering Toward Graduation: Transcript Outcomes of High School Graduates (Education Trust)

Earlier this month, the Education Trust published a new report, Meandering Toward Graduation: Transcript Outcomes of High School Graduates (available at or below). Wow, I love that descriptive verb meandering! But it certainly causes me to pause and seriously consider the implications of meandering in the lives and futures of our students. What interested…

Who Knew? National Community College Month

As we move along down the road of life, some things stay with us and others don’t. I am ashamed to admit that National Community College Month is one of those that didn’t stay with me. Some celebrations stick, like Grandparents Day, Leif Erickson Day (formerly Columbus Day), National Peanut Week, St. Olaf’s Day (formerly…

We Love Math

Making It All Add Up: National Math Summit

  This year’s Mathematics Summit was held as a two-day preconference event at the NADE Annual Conference in Anaheim in March. Once again the Summit brought together those in the “front lines” of developmental mathematics education and first credit math courses to discuss different approaches for implementing, adjusting, or redesigning mathematics courses with the methods…

NADE: Intentional, Not Accidental, Connections

We have just returned from the 40th Annual NADE (National Association for Developmental Education) Conference in Anaheim, CA. Undoubtedly this was the most valuable conference we have attended to date! The original concept for Bridge the Divide involved focusing on developmental education, and after this conference it is clear that this is indeed where we…

We’rrrrree Back…

The Bridge Team is back from a very successful pillage and plunder raid of Orlando! The First Year Experience Conference was amazing: 1800 attendees and some great sessions! I remember my last FYE Annual Conference had 800 attendees—of course, that was in the good old days of the mid-90s… The conference focused on strategies for…