Equip Your Students to be Life Ready Using These 3 Simple Strategies

This last year has been full of airplane rides and early mornings for the School Partnerships team here at Inflexion as we work with school leadership teams up and down the West Coast. Listening to the radio on one of my late night drives home from the airport, I caught part of a Freakonomics interview with the managing director of a team that started as part of the British government known as the Nudge Unit.

Carmen Gelman

Something I’ve Learned

Over the past two years I have spent time in high schools up and down the west coast, as a consultant around college and career readiness. In my role I wear many hats, but working with students is what I enjoy most—listening to their voices, and asking them what they think is best for their education and the world they live in.

Valley Literacy Playbook

Valley High School | Teaching Literacy Every Period, Every Day

In 2015, Valley High School’s academic outcome data showed that students needed explicit support and practice developing the literacy skills necessary to be successful in postsecondary opportunities without remediation. Valley had been the lowest performing high school in the county for several years in a row, and had a reputation as a school with a multitude of discipline problems and low academic rigor.