The Skills Students Need: Four Keys Infographic

With education’s current focus on testing and results, it’s easy for both students and educators to lose track of what student readiness means. This infographic poster highlights some of the key skills students should have when they graduate from high school. This poster can be freely reprinted for display in classrooms or common areas as a reminder to both students and teachers that lifelong learning and true readiness goes beyond fact memorization and test scores.

Education is hard blog image

When Education Gets Hard

Education is hard. So, whatever role you find yourself filling in the vast world of education, we hear you when you say it’s hard. We do what we do because we know none of us can do it alone, and we believe, like you, that there are few things more important than preparing our students for the future.

Three Strategies to Empower Students

What’s the secret to empowering students? How can we unleash their hidden potential? While I’m not sure I’m qualified to answer this question fully, I have gleaned a few important strategies from working at Inflexion and living with a veteran teacher who is really skilled at tapping into students’ strengths.

school tragedy

Painful Reflections After Tragedy

Our conversations at Inflexion this past week have been dominated by the familiar sadness, anger, and empathy we have every time there is another mass shooting. But this time it has been coupled with a deep respect and awe for the students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School who are demanding laws change in our country to make schools safer.